Patient Billing is Going Digital

woman looking at her phone

Starting in August 2024, our patient billing is going digital.

Why we’re doing this:

  • To make the payment process easier for you.
  • With digital communications, it is easier and faster to view and pay any statement.
  • To help the environment, we want to minimize paper waste sent to patients that would prefer digital communications.
  • To give our patients a more individualized experience. We know that no two patients are the same, so each patient should be communicated with in the ways that work best for them.

What to expect:

  • We are now delivering communications via email, text, or mail.
  • You will always be able to control how you are receiving these, and can change your preferences at any time. 

To create an account, you will need your Glencoe Regional Health account number that can be found on your last statement.